Firefall 2020

Last year’s firefall was undeniably epic. If you were on instagram last year and you follow the travel community, you would’ve seen at least one image from Yosemite’s annual Firefall occurrence. For those of you who don’t know, Firefall describes a natural event that usually takes place in a two week period of February inContinue reading “Firefall 2020”

I finished a Half Marathon!

So here it is, it’s a month post race and I’ve finally caught up on sleep and work and hiked into the Grand Canyon for three days and then settled down enough to sit down and put some words together about the whole experience. Firstly, I want to say how incredible Yosemite National Park isContinue reading “I finished a Half Marathon!”

My First 1/2 Marathon!

For most of my life I have been very active and always participated in both team and individual sports throughout my school and college years. In high school, I played every sport under the sun – you name it I probably tried it at least once. When I got to college, most of the sportsContinue reading “My First 1/2 Marathon!”