What’s in my bag – 2020

I realised today that the last time I wrote this post was in 2017 and I was still using my first camera, the trusty Nikon D3400. Whilst that little guy has gone on to a new home, I figured it was time to update this section, as so much has changed since then. First offContinue reading “What’s in my bag – 2020”

What’s in my pack? – Backpack essentials for a weekend/multi-day hike

If you’re like me, and you live in a constant state of panic when it comes to packing for a trip, wondering if you brought the right things, hoping you didn’t forget anything, and praying someone else brings the things you didn’t even know you should be bringing, hopefully this list will help you theContinue reading “What’s in my pack? – Backpack essentials for a weekend/multi-day hike”