What’s in my pack? – Backpack essentials for a weekend/multi-day hike

If you’re like me, and you live in a constant state of panic when it comes to packing for a trip, wondering if you brought the right things, hoping you didn’t forget anything, and praying someone else brings the things you didn’t even know you should be bringing, hopefully this list will help you theContinue reading “What’s in my pack? – Backpack essentials for a weekend/multi-day hike”

Surviving a hike into the Grand Canyon – a lesson learnt the hard way!

Back in May 2018 while we were camping in White Pocket, my good friends Kellie and Shannon asked me how I would feel about hiking down into the Grand Canyon to see the confluence where the Little Colorado River meets the Big Colorado River. They had secured permits and were looking for a few moreContinue reading “Surviving a hike into the Grand Canyon – a lesson learnt the hard way!”

Cathedral Rock – Sedona, AZ

Just an hour and 45 minutes drive from Scottsdale is a place that will take your breath away. When I first moved here to Arizona, everyone always told me about the Grand Canyon and how I HAD to go there because it was the most incredible sight I would ever see. I have to admit,Continue reading “Cathedral Rock – Sedona, AZ”