I finished a Half Marathon!

So here it is, it’s a month post race and I’ve finally caught up on sleep and work and hiked into the Grand Canyon for three days and then settled down enough to sit down and put some words together about the whole experience. Firstly, I want to say how incredible Yosemite National Park isContinue reading “I finished a Half Marathon!”

Half-Marathon Training Update!

Well hello! It’s been a little while since I left an update on Half- Marathon training, so I figured I would drop in and let everyone know how I was getting on. It’s officially 8.5 weeks until race day and so far this year I have run 112 miles, which kind of blows my mindContinue reading “Half-Marathon Training Update!”

My First 1/2 Marathon!

For most of my life I have been very active and always participated in both team and individual sports throughout my school and college years. In high school, I played every sport under the sun – you name it I probably tried it at least once. When I got to college, most of the sportsContinue reading “My First 1/2 Marathon!”