Explorer EX-EXP: A worthy competitor to the Peak Design Travel Tripod?

As a photographer, the matter of which tripod to use is a tough one. You want something small and compact, especially for travelling, but sometimes those designs end up compromising on quality, durability or sturdiness. I bought a Peak Design aluminium tripod last year and although there are things I really love about it, IContinue reading “Explorer EX-EXP: A worthy competitor to the Peak Design Travel Tripod?”

Firefall 2020

Last year’s firefall was undeniably epic. If you were on instagram last year and you follow the travel community, you would’ve seen at least one image from Yosemite’s annual Firefall occurrence. For those of you who don’t know, Firefall describes a natural event that usually takes place in a two week period of February inContinue reading “Firefall 2020”

What’s in my bag – 2020

I realised today that the last time I wrote this post was in 2017 and I was still using my first camera, the trusty Nikon D3400. Whilst that little guy has gone on to a new home, I figured it was time to update this section, as so much has changed since then. First offContinue reading “What’s in my bag – 2020”

What’s in my camera bag?

Ever since I discovered a love for photography back when I first went travelling, I have always made sure to carry at least a point-and-shoot camera with me. Now that I have a job and make a little more money, I have upgraded to an even better point-and-shoot that takes killer DSLR quality photos, andContinue reading “What’s in my camera bag?”