2018 Travels in Review

Good morning! It is the final day of 2018 and I thought it would be the perfect time to reflect back on all the adventures of this year. I have been terrible at keeping up with this blog, so I promise that I will spend the next few days writing posts on all the different trips we had this year, and will slowly start uploading them to go along with this! I set myself a 2018 travel wishlish back in January (see here), and I’m happy to say that I made it to 90% of the places on the list, as well as some others that weren’t even on my radar. This year has been of epic proportions when it comes to adventuring, and when I look back on the all the places I’ve been, I can’t quite believe I found the time, between moving jobs and cities back in May, and working full time back in the O and P industry here in Tucson.

So without further ado, here is a quick rundown of this years adventures in no particular order:

  • Sedona, AZ
  • Banff National Park, AB
  • Jasper National Park, AB
  • Grand Canyon, AZ
  • Grand Staircase Escalante, UT
  • Havasupai Falls, AZ
  • White Pocket, AZ
  • The Other Horseshoe Bend, AZ
  • Yosemite National Park, CA
  • San Diego, CA
  • Valley of Fire State Park, NV
  • Mt Lemmon, AZ
  • Little Colorado River, AZ
  • Paria Canyon, UT
  • Superstitions, AZ
  • Flagstaff, AZ
  • Prescott, AZ

As you can see from the list, I’ve been far and wide this year, taking in the sights to see in both Arizona and the surrounding states, even finally getting to do my bucket list trip to Alberta. This list also means I have A LOT of posts to write! But with the new year setting in, I’m excited to really engage with this blog in order to cultivate a little penseive of sorts (for all you Harry Potter fans out there) where I can come back and relive the adventures of the year as my overloaded brain forgets them. More than anything though, this list forgoes mention of the incredible people that have joined me on these adventures, and the friends – old and new – that have made this year the best it could be for travelling. So, wherever you are in your life, and whatever you do, find and surround yourself with people that push you outside of your comfort zone and encourage you to get outdoors, sit around a campfire and be yourself with them. After all, you know what they say, “It’s not the places you go, but the people you go to them with that will make the memories”.

HAPPY NEW YEAR and I hope everyone has an adventurous 2019!!

Harriet X

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